Thursday, January 15, 2015


Hello everybody!!!

My name is Veronica Cordero; I’m a senior in Fashion Design. I am from Ecuador originally, but I've lived here for more than half my life. I have a passion for movies, it began when I was very young, my mom, and my grandma both love movies. They would often take me to watch them, may it be a Disney or anything that they thought I would like. I specially loved the older classics, my first love was Mary Poppins, just love the musicals. My love for vintage movies also came from my Mom, who thought I would like I Love Lucy and played it for me when I was three, and I have been in love with her ever since. Since I loved Lucy my mom figured she could try Charlie Chaplin, and of course I just fell in love with the magic he weaved. Ever since then movies have been a way to escape and dream for me. I love to be able to go back in time to the golden times of long ago, watch movies like Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Arsenic and Old Lace, Bringing up Baby, How to Catch a thief, and many other classics. 

My favorite thing actually is being able to watch a movie that has been adapted from a movie, and it is true to the book. I love being able to see characters I feel in love with in the book come to life. I have a special place in my heart for musicals, considering that music is my other passion, so putting them together just seems perfect. I wish my life were actually a musical that would be just perfect.
You can see I used the word Love a lot, that really shows why I wanted to take this class.

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