Wednesday, January 28, 2015

1930's Analyzing "Freaks"

After seeing the movie "Freaks" one cannot help but think of AHS: Freakshow, and draw comparisons and differences of course. Not only did both utilize real “freaks” in the films which was something that caused quite an uproar in those times, but now at least with Freakshow is a way to showcase that these so called “freaks” are people who are real, and can be very talented. Actors such as Mat Fraser who played the Illustrated Seal, Rose Siggins as Legless Suzy and Jyoti Amge as Ma Petite, these people are “different” and they are quite talented and very much real. It is different to be able to see them in television, one can only hope that one day, they will be able to act as just as anyone else and not be type casted as “freaks” but as regular human beings.
The movie Freaks portrays the people in the sideshow as creepy little monsters, it either depicts them as children, or poor, sad creatures trying to live as normally as they can, but then are shown to be cruel and twisted, they disfigure a woman who ruined one of their own, and despite the efforts toward the end of the film to leave us on a different note, we are left with a bitter after taste. Though in the AHS: Freakshow, something very similar occurs toward the beginning of the season, when the “freaks” kill a police officer that is trying to run them out. Yet, by the end of the show the “normal” people are the ones who end up being morally disturbed and the true monsters, while the “freaks” are trying to lead normal lives with happy endings, they become victims and at the end heroes in a way.
 The atmosphere at plenty of times is the same, trying to depict good sunny days with normalcy, while dark, stormy underlay. Showing the “freaks” as misunderstood people, who live in the dark, trying to achieve some sort of normalcy, a tight-knit group with their own sense of justice, twisted as it may be. Both film and show, depict the “freaks” as misunderstood, but essentially good people, who try to protect their own as family regardless of how wrongful their actions are. And the “normal” people as the true monsters, how Cleo who is perfect is truly twisted and horrible on the inside, while Hans who is a “small person” is truly big at heart and a true good hearted human being. In AHS, it is the same thing; the “freaks” are trying to lead normal lives, while the rich kid, who is handsome and perfect, is truly a sociopath, murderous monster.

Overall the movie was dark and a tad depressing, yet morbid curiosity kept me glued to the screen, and it is just disturbing and fascinating. Understandingly why is it a true Cult Film.

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